Marta Barello graduated in Chemical Engineering on last April 29th, 2014. She received the Master degree in Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano with a
The tradition for computer programming dates back to 1990 when PSE-Lab released the first program to design and simulate a postcombustion chamber. The opening was
PSE-Lab contributed to conceptualizing and developing the Plant Simulator since 2007 within the EC 6FP Virthualis project and the following spin-off support. The Plant Simulator consists
The concept of Automated Performance Assessment has been pioneered in the PSE Lab. Skilled operators are an inevitable precondition for ensuring and enhancing safety in
In order to improve safety without limiting the research to conventional boundaries set by disciplines, the PSE Lab embarked the cross disciplinary theme i.e. Human

A new amazing camera covering 360° of view has been just delivered by CENTR. You can hold it in the palm of your hand… Here
Design for Safety is one of the peculiar research activities at PSE-Lab. From rescue vehicles for industrial plants to warehouses and depots of munitions. From
The so-called SEVESO plants and more in general industrial activities that fall within the classification of EC SEVESO Directive have to prepare a Safety Report.
The tradition and vocation to modeling and simulation applied to the Safety realm drove the PSE-Lab to build two computer programs AXIM and DETONIM. This is
The concept of training the operators before starting to work with real operations exists since decades. However, the perspectives in which the Operator Training has
This is the hierarchical structure of Optimization section that has been carried out at PSE-Lab since the ’90s. Offline optimization Optimal design of specific and customized