The European Commission has published the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023 call under the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe. The Politecnico di Milano organizes the MSCA
Category: Research
The category about RESEARCH activities at PSE-Lab

The PSE-Lab is looking for candidates for a Ph.D. position for a research project in collaboration with Casale SA (Lugano, Switzerland) on the green production

The knowledge of drug concentration-time profile in human body is crucial information for any kind of pharmacological treatment of diseases, furthermore it helps pharmaceutical companies
The main task of Field Operators is the interaction with physical devices that are distributed in the plant. Field Operators can thus exploit some of their senses, i.e. sight,
Control Room Operators are typically in front of an artificial representation of the real environment, where a set of synoptic displays in the Distributed Control
The occurrence of abnormal situations in the Process Industry is not a rare event. Â USD 10 billion is lost every year on account of abnormal
The assessment of operators cannot be reliable until the integration of concepts and theories from Human Factors is considered. Every task demands difference cognitive processes. One
PSE-Lab contributed to conceptualizing and developing the Plant Simulator since 2007 within the EC 6FP Virthualis project and the following spin-off support. The Plant Simulator consists
The concept of Automated Performance Assessment has been pioneered in the PSE Lab. Skilled operators are an inevitable precondition for ensuring and enhancing safety in
In order to improve safety without limiting the research to conventional boundaries set by disciplines, the PSE Lab embarked the cross disciplinary theme i.e. Human
Design for Safety is one of the peculiar research activities at PSE-Lab. From rescue vehicles for industrial plants to warehouses and depots of munitions. From