Salman Nazir joined the PSE Lab as a PhD student in 2011. After three years of research activity under the supervision of prof. Davide Manca, Salman
Author: Davide Manca
This is the pictorial representation of PSE-Lab website through a so-called word cloud [tooltip text=”Trial test”]
Il prof. Fabrizio D’Errico del Politecnico di Milano ha contribuito insieme ad esperti di grafica 3D alla ricostruzione dell’evento incidentale di Viareggio accaduto il 29
The PSE-Lab selects leading students from around the world to participate and contribute to a doctoral program. PSE-Lab seeks students who want to work on
L’attività di Laurea Specialistica (o Laurea Magistrale) prevede un significativo periodo di ricerca al II anno (i.e. quinto anno di corso di studio) dedicato alla
L’attività di Tirocinio (5 crediti) e di Prova finale (3 crediti) sono svolte congiuntamente (quindi indissolubilmente) presso il PSE-Lab e sono dedicate agli studenti del
International Fellowships – Edition 2015 The Politecnico di Milano International Fellowships is a new R&D funding program designed to attract young, bright and highly motivated post-doc
Le possibilità di studiare e lavorare nel campo della ricerca presso il PSE-Lab sono molteplici. Copriamo le seguenti attività di: Tirocinio con prova finale Laurea
PSE-Lab stands for Process Systems Engineering Laboratory. PSE-Lab was founded at Politecnico di Milano in the ’90s at the Chemical Engineering department that is now christened “Chemistry, Materials and Chemical
Roberto Abbiati has recently joined PSE-Lab as PhD student, under the supervision of prof. Davide Manca. Roberto successfully graduated in September 2013 at POLIMI with
PSE-Lab has devoted great efforts to simulation of industrial and transportation accidents since 2005. The implementation of AXIM allowed studying in detail the causes, evolution,
At PSE-Lab, we are used to provide our Clients with support for decision-making based on a quantitative and often multidisciplinary approach to the problem. Our
PSE-Lab provides services to corporate and institutional Clients in the field of industrial processes and chemical plants. This is a list of consultancy subjects that
A new tablet has been announced from Microsoft on May 20, 2014. Its name is Surface Pro 3 and is moving the hedge towards a