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Presentation – PSE-Lab @ Politecnico di Milano



PSE-Lab stands for Process Systems Engineering Laboratory.

PSE-Lab was founded at Politecnico di Milano in the ’90s at the Chemical Engineering department that is now christened “Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering Department – Giulio Natta”.


Since the ’90s a number of fellows have participated to the research activities that brought to interesting results both in terms of scientific publications and finalized works.

Bachelor, Master, and PhD students have given their contributions to PSE-Lab throughout these years. Some PhDs worked or are still working at PSE-Lab with post-doc positions.

Most of the students that studied at PSE-Lab are now working on Chemical Engineering subjects at international companies all over the world. Some of them are working at other research bodies.

PSE-Lab is connected with several universities, departments, and researchers all over the world. These connections are strengthened by shared research projects (such as the EC grants) and annual meetings at international congresses such as: ESCAPE and PSE symposia but also ICheaP and CISAP conferences.

PSE-Lab hosts foreign Master and PhD students whereas PSE-Lab fellows can spend research periods abroad with important universities and research groups.

The PSE-Lab logo is a stylized Ψ greek letter whose phonetics recalls the PSE acronym when pronounced in English.

Head of PSE-Lab is prof. Davide Manca.

Download the Introduction to PSE-Lab

Also, look at the word cloud of PSE-Lab website.


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