Bollettino di analisi dati e previsione della dinamica evolutiva della pandemia Covid-19 relativo a Italia, Regioni di Italia e approfondimento sulla Lombardia. Analisi quotidiana prodotta

Analisi dei dati vaccinazioni anti Covid-19 in Italia, Regioni e Province Autonome E’ possibile visualizzare il Report quotidiano non appena viene preparato iscrivendosi al

I media nazionali ed esteri (carta stampata, quotidiani online, radio e TV) hanno citato diffusamente il nostro lavoro presso il PSE-Lab riguardo l’analisi dei dati

PSE-Lab just published a new paper together with the heads of Resuscitation wards and intensive care units of two important Lombardy hospitals. The paper models

Nell’ambito del canale POLIMI su YouTube, il PSE-Lab ha contribuito alla rubrica #ilPOLIMIrisponde con un video che cerca di rispondere alla domanda “E’ possibile descrivere l’evoluzione

Two short communications were published recently on ESA website, the European Society of Anesthesiology: Analysis of the number growth of ICU patients with Covid-19 in

PSE-Lab just published a new paper! We carried out a long-time and in-depth research on model-based control tools for automated anesthesia in operative rooms which

PSE-Lab just published a new paper! The joint efforts of medical doctors and engineers took to the publication of a new paper on “Clinical Endocrinology”

La trasmissione Smart City di Radio 24 ha ospitato il PSE-Lab per parlare di CLARA il robot automatizzato per il controllo dell’anestesia ad anello chiuso. Il

A physiological control system for anesthesia delivery Application of automated control devices in biomedicine is still emergent, but very promising. Currently, anesthesiologists set an initial

A joint collaboration between Ospedale San Paolo di Milano and PSE-Lab brought to the publication of a new article on Computers and Chemical Engineering. The interested readers

A joint collaboration between the Veterinary department of the University of Milan and the PSE-Lab published a new article on Journal of Theoretical Biology. The universal link is:

Enterohepatic Circulation Effect in Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models: The Sorafenib Case
PSE-Lab published a new article on Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research: Enterohepatic Circulation Effect in Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models: The Sorafenib Case Roberto

PSE-Lab has just published a new paper on “Computers and Chemical Engineering” titled: A systematic approach to the optimal design of chemical plants with waste reduction and