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CUM LAUDE – PSE-Lab @ Politecnico di Milano


Oh yes, we love Latin: CUM LAUDE!

On December 21th, 2016, Piernico Sepiacci defended his master degree thesis on “Conceptual Design of Chemical Plants by Multi-Objective Optimization of Economic and Environmental Criteria” and received the maximum mark of 110/110 cum laude. He worked hard at PSE-Lab and could materialize his achievements in terms of an outstanding thesis that took also to the very recent publication of a paper on the peer-reviewed Journal “Computers and Chemical Engineering”.

Piernico’s achievement continues a long tradition of CUM LAUDE marks at PSE-Lab for the master degree course in Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano.

Just in the last 14 months, by working hard and responsibly at PSE-Lab, Riccardo Barzaghi, Alberto Conte, Valentina Depetri, Giuseppe Pesenti, Adriana Savoca, Cristina Vergani and Jacopo Fava received the honor of the highest mark, which is 110/110 cum laude. They all enjoyed the stimulating research environment at PSE-Lab, which allowed them learning how to do research and become critically independent on their research topics.

Kudos to all of them, and especially to Piernico who is the latest student at PSE-Lab to receive the highest mark in Chemical Engineering laurea.

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