This is the hierarchical structure of Modeling and Simulation section that has been carried out at PSE-Lab since the ’90s.
- Mathematical modeling of
- Physical phenomena
- Equipment
- Plant subsections
- Industrial plants
- Chemical and petrochemical plants
- Pharmaceutical equipment
- Incineration plants
- Human body
- Pharmacokinetics of active principles
- Cancer/tumor growth
- Methods
- Phenomenological models
- First principles approach (material, energy, and momentum equations)
- Algebraic non-linear equations system
- Ordinary differential equations system
- Differential & Algebraic equations system
- Partial differential equations system
- Integro-differential equations system
- First principles approach (material, energy, and momentum equations)
- Empirical models
- Black-box models for Identification
- Linear and non-linear identification methods
- ARX: autoregressive with exogenous input
- ARMAX: autoregressive moving average model
- ANN: artificial neural networks
- Optimal network layout
- First order and second order methods for training
- HSA: history stack adaptation method
- Remedies respect to overlearning, overparameterization
- Black-box models for Identification
- Phenomenological models
- Automated techniques for Design and Simulation of equipment and processes
- Absorbers and strippers
- Distillation columns
- Incineration plants
- Waste characterization and dust granulometric distribution
- Drum kilns
- Rotary kilns
- Postcombustion chambers
- Heat exchangers
- Spiral exchangers
- Cross tube exchangers
- W-tube exchanger
- Glass-tube exchanger
- Radiative heat exchangers
- Waste heat boilers
- Water tube
- Smoke tube
- Venturi scrubbers
- HCl absorbers
- Conditioning towers
- Gas preheaters
- DeNOx-CatOx units
- Gas-solid separators
- Gravity settling chambers
- Cyclone separators
- Electrostatic precipitators
- Fabric filters
- Pharmaceutical processes and equipment
- Microencapsulation of active principles
- Mechanochemical activation of active principles
- Simulation of drug release for microencapsulated particles
- Perforated pans
- Granulation units
- Fluidized bed driers
- Hg porosimetry