
The tradition for computer programming dates back to 1990 when PSE-Lab released the first program to design and simulate a postcombustion chamber. The opening was given by an Italian company, specialized in design and construction of incineration plants, that was facing the competition of foreign competitors. It needed a new postcombustion chamber to transform the competitors into followers and keep the technology-gap advantage.

We designed a new geometry for the combustion chamber that could minimize the geometrical dimensions of the chamber while preserving the 3Ts (i.e. Temperature, residence-Time, Turbulence). The chamber comprised an external jacket for heat recovery and a swirled inlet duct to rise the effective Reynolds number and therefore optimize the thermal destruction of toxic components.

From this seminal work, which run on 80286 Intel CPUs with 80287 math coprocessors on the first AT IBM-compatible computers with DOS 2.1 and 512 KB of RAM, the road for improvement with the deployment of new solutions has been long and full of achievements. For almost a quarter of century the researchers at PSE-Lab have been challenged on significantly different subjects, issues, and topics.

Here following, we want to report some of the achievements and research products that helped our Clients to solve, address, and face with real-life problems.

These applied-research case studies are characterized by values such as optimality, efficiency, robustness, competitiveness, feasibility, inexpensiveness, environment, safety, law/operating constraints.


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